

 そして、これらの全身分布のうち検査項目の多い順番を示すと肝機能検査(35)、腎機能検査(15)、循環器機能検査(15)、膵臓機能検査(13)、副腎髄質(10)・副腎皮質(8)機能検査などです。(  )内は検査項目数を示しています。
 では、これらの体液成分の血中濃度についてのべますと、表1に示しますように総蛋白質の濃度は  g/dLであり、血糖や尿素質素はg/dL の1000分の1のmg/dLの濃度で存在しています。以下、代表的な各濃度の体液成は血清鉄、血漿アンモニアの化学的成分と甲状腺ホルモン(サイロキシン)、人成長ホルモン、副腎皮質刺ホルモンなどに示すように1000分の1ずつ低くなります。ただし、平均赤血球容積(MCV)はfl(フェムトリットル)です。参考に表2に1000分の1ずつ低下する内容について示しました。



 私の解消は飛行機に乗って最初の食事が出た後、到着国の時間に合わせて寝るまたは起き続けること。寝る場合はアルコールと難解な本を読むことであっという間に夢の中に行けるが、起き続けることは結構シンドイ。全く寝ないのはさすがに無理なので、実際にはウトウトして何度も寝ているが、起き続けていようとする思いと気合が大事。 現地へ着いたらひと休みする間もなく夕食後まで活動し続けて就寝し、翌朝は遅くとも8時前には起きて活動すれば、現地滞在中の時差ボケは解消する。ところが到着日もしくは翌日にタップリ昼寝をしてしまったら時差ボケ解消は困難になるので、現地に到着後の行動は要注意だ。到着翌日以降、現地で睡魔を感じるのは日本時間午前3時〜5時頃の時間帯。その時間帯はアメリカ東海岸だと午後2時〜4時頃なので、昼食後でもあるので睡魔に負けそうになり、そこをなんとか乗り切るのがコツ。その時間帯に講演を聞いていたり、移動中の車内だと睡魔と戦うのは困難を極める。ましてや音楽鑑賞やミュージカルだと速攻で夢の中だ。例え炎天下の下でもジッとしていると到着翌日に睡魔は平気で襲ってくる、せめてうたた寝にとどめたい。







Letter from a USA patient:

医学研究に携わって多くの論文を書いてきましたが、研究内容が地味(?)なため、また基礎研究で重箱の隅をつつく内容(?)であるため、今まであまり注目を集めることはありませんでした。また治療に直接関与していないため、患者さんから感謝の言葉をいただいたこともありませんでした。しかし、先週初めて以下のようなmailを、面識のない患者(病院名、患者名は個人情報のため伏せさせていただきます)からいただき、インターネット情報はすごい、研究論文を書くことで患者に情報を発信し、時に役に立っているのだと実感することができ喜んでいます。どのような内容の論文であるか興味のある方はhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1440-1827.2011.02773.x/full をご参照ください。

Dear Dr. Kakudo,
I wanted to write and thank you for publishing your comprehensive review of the literature on encapsulated thyroid tumors, and your related papers. I am referring to Classification of thyroid follicular cell tumors: with special reference to borderline lesions (2011), and Encapsulated papillary thyroid carcinoma, follicular variant: a misnomer, (2012), which make many salient points and provide an excellent review of the literature for both professionals and interested patients.
I am a patient who was diagnosed with an encapsulated, mutation-negative, non-invasive thyroid cancer in 2011 in the United States. The pathology report read that it was an encapsulated classic PTC. I did wonder a bit at the time whether there could be some kind of question or error about the diagnosis because the tumor did not appear to have been behaving in a way that could be construed as aggressive. There was no spread to the nodes or outside the thyroid, molecular tests revealed no known genetic mutations and I was also tg undetectable, both basal and stimulated. I was puzzled, and I did see while looking online that there was some kind of controversy about encapsulated FVPTC, but I was told that I didn’t have FVPTC and also that there are many cases of mutation negative thyroid cancer. I was also told that I was “low risk” but on the advice of my endocrinologist I submitted to a treatment of radioiodine (50 mCi).
Like many or even most patients, when I was diagnosed I really had very little idea of the definition of thyroid cancer according to tumor classification and how that plays into the reasoning of a given pathologist. I had no way of contextualizing “thyroid cancer” in a more meaningful way. It seems that the hospital that I used treats classic encapsulated PTC the same as garden variety non-encapsulated PTC. I had no idea that encapsulated PTC could be regarded as being under the same umbrella as encapsulated FVPTC until I did a Google search about it and saw your papers, which elucidate very effectively the problems of inter-observer variation among pathologists and also the questionable ascendency of PTC-N as a major diagnostic criterion. I would even go beyond that and say that any patient with this type of thyroid tumor who has been diagnosed with cancer and who can read and understand your reports will probably come away feeling rather disturbed, or at the very least disconcerted by the implications. A cancer diagnosis entails a considerable psychological burden even when the prognosis is good. It really surprised me to learn of the observer-dependent nature of the line between benign and malignant in certain situations. But I guess what unnerved me the most is the realization that pathologists and other clinicians at times actually do not know with certainty the true nature of some lesions due to the limitations of current knowledge. Yet these cases will nevertheless often be translated to the patient as definitively being cancer. How is a patient to react when confronted with this actuality, other than by experiencing a lessening of confidence in the way in which thyroid pathology is being conducted in many hospitals and also with nagging uncertainty about whether their case has been over-treated? I feel that I was not empowered as a patient and that more transparency is needed in medical practices as to the gaps in understanding in the current classification system, and the resultant gray zones in diagnosis which directly impact the lives of patients like me.
It seems to be the case that there is a certain segment of patients who are the unwitting “poster children” of this gray zone in thyroid pathology. My case proceeded on the basis of PTC-N (FNA and pathology) alone because the molecular results were negative. These uncertainties which have been unmasked by your reports suggest to me that a borderline category based upon degree of invasiveness is a very sensible solution until more hard data becomes available. At least I can attest to what a difference it would have made to me personally. Had I known of your research before I had my surgery and treatment, I may have insisted on a lobectomy and almost certainly would not have agreed to receive RAI ablation. Since I saw your papers I conferred with a second pathologist from New England about them, and he confirmed that the diagnosis of these “very low grade lesions” is subjective and sometimes even amounts to a “suggestion” from the pathologist. I only wish that my original pathologist could have somehow conveyed this information to me. Maybe many pathologists and clinicians in the USA and elsewhere feel that their hands are tied due to legal concerns, but I think that for patients a borderline category makes very good sense and most likely will prevent overtreatment and psychological trauma. It would have made such a difference for me in that it would have allowed for a lesser degree of treatment while preserving appropriate follow-up.
Thank you again, Dr. Kakudo.




アルツハイマー型認知症は、脳組織にアミロイド βという繊維状の蛋白質が蓄積し、これが神経変性を起こすことにより発症するとされています。このアミロイド βを分解し、蓄積を押さえる蛋白質(仮に酵素Aとします。)の存在が注目されています。この酵素Aが「インスリン分解酵素」であることが明らかにされたのです。インスリンは糖質が摂取され血糖値が上昇した時に分泌されるホルモンで、これにより細胞は糖を細胞内に取り込みます。インスリンがつくられない、あるいは働かない場合糖尿病となります。酵素Aは、糖質の過剰摂取でインスリンが大量に分泌された時に、インスリンを分解する働きを持ちます。この酵素Aが、副業として、アミロイドβを分解しているのです。しかし、慢性的にインスリンが多すぎる状態にあると、酵素Aは本来の働きであるインスリンの分解に終始し、アミロイドβの分解にまで手が回らなくなります。つまり、インスリンが多く分泌され続けると、アミロイドβが蓄積しアルツハイマー病の発症につながるわけです。

